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    Personal Information Processing Policy

    1. Method of agreement on the terms of personal information collection
    WIPAM(hereafter “The Company”) will provide means for the users to agree or disagree on the terms of personal information. If the user check the “I agree on the terms of personal information collection” square, the company will consider the user has agreed to the terms.

    2. Types of information collected
    The types of information collected for the purpose of online customer support are as follow: company name, name, email address, phone number

    3. Purpose of personal information collection
    The Company will not reveal any of the personal information entrusted to it without the user’s prior consent. The below information is collection only to the express purpose of providing customer support and related services to the customer. All information is used only for the stated purposes and consent will be asked of the users should there be any change in the scope, purpose, and use of the information collected.

        - Company name & name: identification of the customer for the purpose of customer support
        - Email address & phone number: communication of customer support content, delivery of information on new products and services(used in direct messages, SMS, email and other communication formats).

    The user can decline the terms of personal information collection. However, should they choose to do so, the user may encounter restrictions in using the full extent of the website’s services and benefits, and personalized customer support may not be possible.

    4. Storage period of personal information
    All collected information will be destroyed after its stated purposes have been fulfilled.

    In the case of information that must be preserved for consumer protection purpose under commercial and online transaction laws, The Company will securely preserve the information for the following period of time as set by the law.


    -Data on the cancelling of contracts and agreements: 5 years(law on consumer protection in online commercial transactions)
    -Data on consumer claims and/or dispute resolutions: 3 years (law on consumer protection in online commercial transactions)
    -Data on collection, processing, and use of credit information: 3 years(law on the use and protection of credit information)
    The Company will securely process the user’s information, and destroy them in the following manner:

    -Personal information printed on paper will be shredded into pieces or destroyed by fire
    Personal information in electronical files will be destroyed by means that denies any further reading or playing of the file.

    Preparation of consultation details
    Corporate name
    E-mail @
    Tel - -